Friday, December 17, 2010

Working out in the SNOW!

This morning I woke up feeling like the last thing I wanted to do was truck through the snow and cold to go run on a treadmill, but was determined to do it anyway since I've been slacking over the last 2 weeks. :)  When I opened my garage and discovered my driveway still wasn't plowed (despite paying people to do it!) I decided that a change of plans was in order!! So I ran upstairs, changed into my snow clothes, and grabbed the shovel! I love the workout that shoveling snow can give you ~ you work your core when stabilizing yourself and in lifting the snow, you work your arms and back muscles to lift the snow, you hopefully work your legs too if you lift properly, and of course you get a cardio workout as well! I know that when I shovel, I definitely receive a total body workout because I'm usually sore all over within a few hours. :)  Now for those of you who are calorie counters....the amount of calories burned will vary depending on your weight, but I used my heart rate  and VO2max caloric burning rate to determine my number of calories burned.....and it was approximately 250 fat calories and 375 total calories! If you haven't had your VO2max performed you can use a common calorie counter such as the one found on  That's a lot for not having to leave my home to receive a total body workout! :) 

Just be careful not to dump the snow in your face! hahaha aww poor kiddo!

I challenge you to take advantage of the snow, get out of the house, and break up your exercise routine! Nothing better than spending time outside when the snow is falling, your dogs are running around, and it's absolutely beautiful out! :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wishful Wednesday

With a little over a week until Christmas, my wish is that everyone would take time to find a giving tree and donate to a family/organization in need.  For the past month I have been struggling trying to decide if I should take a tag off the giving tree at work...well last Wednesday I decided I would take a few off the thing I know...I was buying for 5 different people!! It was such an amazing and joyful feeling to know that I can share what I have earned to some kiddos, teachers, and elderly. :)  So my WISH is that you take a few minutes out of your week to make a difference in someone else's life via a giving tree! Everyone needs a little extra love especially around Christmas time!! :) 

Days 11, 12, and 13 of the 12 Days of Cookies!

Day 11 ~ Polvorones: Ground Walnut Cookies

My mom used to make these for us on Christmas Eve.  They are dry, but great with a good cup of eggnog or peppermint coffee (my personal fav) :)

 Day 12 ~ Craisy Oatmeal Cookies

You really cannot go wrong with an oatmeal cookie.  Not sure how I feel about it for a Christmas cookie, but still a yummy choice.

Day 13 ~ 3-in-1 Sugar Cookies

awww...finally they listened to me...or facebook apparently ~ this is the "facebook fan" cookie of choice.  Nothing screams Christmas quite like a decorated sugar cookie! :)

Hope you all enjoyed reading and baking the  12 Days of Christmas Cookies! :)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Traditional Cookie Baking with My Sister!

As I told you sister came to visit this weekend...we spent all day Sunday baking what we consider to be our traditional Christmas cookies and sweets! :)  Here are our creations!!

Dark Chocolate and White Chocolate Peppermint Bark

Traditional Sugar Cookie Cut-Outs

 Dark and White Chocolate Pretzels

Cookie Days 8, 9, and 10 :)

 whew...soo here are the last days we've missed while I've been busy finishing up my LAST WEEK OF REAL CLASS EVER!!!! :) ahh feels so good to say that!!  

These cookies are all so weird...I mean where are the traditional thumbprint cookies, the sugar cookies, the gingerbread men?! I guess the people who choose the 12 days of cookies are bored with the tradition.... 


Day 8 *Sunny's Holiday PB and J Thumbprints*

 These look pretty and who doesn't love PB&J?!



Day 9 *Fruit and Nut Holiday Shortbread*

I don't know how I feel about these, but I suppose they would be another something "different" to break up your cookie trays! 

Day 10 *Chocolate Peppermint Pinwheel Cookies*

Now here is a cookie that at least has the traditional flavors of chocolate and peppermint! :)  I think these would be fun to make and yummy too!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Days 3-7 of the 12 days of Cookies!

Whew...getting ready for Santa is HARD WORK! :)  Between decorating the house/tree, school, and my sister coming to visit...I have been a very busy Mrs. Claus! :)  On a side note:  There is no way that the economy is hurting that bad when I must have bumped shoulders with at least 10 people yesterday because the mall was soooooo crowded!!!  Anyway...cookies...I've decided to catch you up on the cookies you've miss over the past few days. 

Day 3 ~ Coconut Macaroons

These are something different and would "pretty-up" your table!

Day 4 ~ Dried Cherry and Almond Biscotti

Now...I am an avid coffee drinker, but biscotti has never been the peanut to my butter. I do admit these sounded pretty yummy (love raspberry and almonds) and would make for a cute gift when paired with some great coffee or hot chocolate!

Day 5 ~ Lemon Ricotta Cookies with Lemon Glaze

Last year a light cookie was included in the bunch such as these lemon ones and although they aren't a "traditional" Christmas cookie, they were a yummy addition to the cookie tray assortment!

Day 6 ~ Turtle Graham Bars

I am a sucker for chocolate + why not combine them??!! *~Heaven~* These look so yummy and will stand out on that cookie tray or make a great gift when paired with other barks. Cannot wait to try this one! :)

Day 7 ~ Raspberry Cake Bars
These bars look so light and soft it makes me want one right now even though it is 9am!! I think these would be a hit at any Christmas party with the kiddos and adults! They look yummy and light! :)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Top 2 Tuesday

Top 2 Things I LOVE about winter ~

1.  UGGS

I thank God for my UGGS every time I step outside into the cold and my toes stay nice & toasty! I just got a new pair for my birthday that I can wear and not look soooo lazy. :)  Gotta have a good pair of UGGS if you live anywhere with cold...snowy..crappy weather!

2. Fires

One thing I always loved about winter was the fires my family would make.  There's not much better than sitting around a warm fire sippin' on some coffee with great company.  A real fireplace is on my "must-have" list for our next home.  :)

Day 2 Christmas Cookies

Garam Masala-Chocolate Gingerbread

 These look great!

Monday, November 29, 2010


YEAH!!! I LOVE this time of year for the 12 Days of Cookies newsletter that greats me in my inbox.  I will gladly share each of the recipes with you and will be making the majority of them so will share how yummy or (not so yummy) they may be! :)


I love this time of year because everyone around me takes a few minutes to think about what they are thankful for and cherish time spent with family and friends.  Over the last month I have been Tweeting the things I am thankful for and thought it would be a good reminder for the rest of the year if I shared them.  Possibly you would be inspired to be thankful as well...

~Today I'm thankful for my supportive and loving husband! You are the best, thank you! LOVE YOU!
~Today I'm thankful for my sister and best friend! <3 her!!
~Today I'm thankful for my legs that carry me through soo many miles and thoughts on my runs each   week! :)
~Today I'm thankful for my fur babies...who are always happy when I get home and show me so much LOVE!
~Today I am very thankful for NSAIDs! :)
~Today I'm thankful for a job!
~Today I'm thankful for my umbrella! :)
~Today I'm thankful for Happy Hours!!! ;) You are something to look forward to at the end of the week!
~Today I'm thankful for Organ Donors! :) You saved my Grandma's Life
~Today I'm thankful for Unconditional LOVE from my husband, family, and friends! <3 LOVE <3
~Today I am thankful for FOOD! 
~ Today I am thankful for my family that has traveled so far to be together on this day.

Feel free to post what you are most thankful will be a great reminder to be thankful never know when things will change.  Love those around you and be thankful for what you have!! LOVE

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving Confessional

Thanksgiving #1
    1 slice pumpkin pie + 2 pieces of birthday cake + normal servings of typical foods (broccoli casserole, turkey, potatoes) and plenty of beer!
    I ran 3 miles that morning though!

Birthday Night Out
   Pizza + lots of shots + vodka&cranberry
   2 hours of dancing!

Turkey day #2
    Turkey, potatoes, stuffing, a glass of white wine, and a very small portion of pumpkin creme brulee

Whew...feel much better now! 

My point? That even if you let yourself have a second scoop of potatoes, or an extra (few extras) beer, or skip your workouts for a few days...your diet or healthy lifestyle will NOT be ruined!! So...don't beat yourself up over a few bad days...get back out there and continue on your healthy track! Just be sure to put those stretchy pants away and get off the couch!! :) I know after 3 days off...I will start fresh again tomorrow morning!!

Left over Turkey Dinner

After Thanksgiving #2 .... Left over turkey just isn't appealing...ugh....sooo I decided to do something different with it to make it a bit more yummy without over stuffing with turkey and to avoid throwing it away! :)

Turkey Veggie Soup

1 small sweet onion
3 celery stalks
4 carrots
4 cups Chicken Broth (or turkey or veggie)
2 cans diced tomatoes (seasoned with garlic + basil)
Left over Turkey shredded
2 tablespoons of EVOO
1 cup whole grain & wild rice
1 cup water

I first browned the diced onion in 2 tablespoons of EVOO.  While I boiled water to make 4 cups of chicken broth (you can use already made broth too).  Chopped up the carrots and celery.  Shredded the Turkey. Then threw them all into the crock-pot with the 2 cans of diced & seasoned tomatoes.  Next I added 1 cup rice and 1 cup water. Added a bit of salt, pepper, and basil.  Let it simmer for about 3hours on low and 2 hours on high. 

It was sooo yummy!! A great way to use left over turkey without feeling like you are eating MORE turkey!  

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Not enough Fruits & Veggies

I was on facebook yesterday when I saw a post from a friend:  she said when teaching her kiddos about the food pyramid, a child asked her "why is the cafeteria serving us packaged pancake/sausages on a stick with chocolate milk? Does that even belong on the food pyramid??!" I couldn't help but let a little giggle out...but then I became so mad that the kids are not even given the opportunity to make good choices.  I was reading USA Today this morning and came across this article stating that kids and adults are eating less than 2c. of fruits and veggies per day, much less than the recommended 4-6c.

Well it only makes sense that we are choosing crappy foods over fresh foods at a young age with all the advertisement and pressure from "Ronald McDonald" and the obviously crappy food available in the cafeteria K-12....but it just floors me that adults are choosing to become subjected to the pressure and lazy cop-out of over processed foods...ugh! I could ramble on and on about this food/obesity crisis...but I will spare you!!

Instead I'll leave this article to get your own wheels turning and challenge you to get off the couch and do some sort of exercise today and to eat one more serving of fruit or veggies than what you normally get on a daily basis.  It starts with small lifestyle changes and ends with a whole body lifestyle change. :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What's for Dinner?

CrockPot BBQ Chicken

SOOOO yummy and fall off the bone (if you use bone-in) chicken! The hubs ate all of his plus half of mine he loved it so much! Definitely a HIT! :)

2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
14oz. Montgomery Inn BBQ Sauce (or your favorite BBQ sauce)
Cook on "Low" for ~4 hours ... My CrockPot has a "warm" setting, and this is what I would recommend if you wanted to prepare it all day to avoid burning.

I served mine with some green beans and wild rice, would also be good with some homemade white cheddar mac n' cheese! :)

Wishful Wednesday

As I sit at home all day with this cold unable to get warm, sipping tea and popping dayquil....I found myself daydreaming of our honeymoon in MAUI!!! Oh how I miss the care-free lifestyle, the gorgeous weather and hiking, and of course the beach, sunset and palm trees!!

My wishful Wednesday is to return to Maui ASAP! :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Top 2 Tuesday

Top 2 things I will MISS look forward to about warm weather ~

1. Gerber Daisies
  My favorite flowers because they represent happiness, innocence, classic beauty and love! They were my main flower in our wedding, so every time I see them I think of new beginnings and lasting love!

2. Dinner with my Hubs on our back porch
  My grill master husband is the best at whipping up a marinade and grilling the yummiest dinners.  I look forward to the first warm night we can fire up the grill, drink a nice cold beverage, and simply enjoy each other's company!

Life is so funny some times...

So I've had a rough couple of weeks, just struggling with balancing everything in my life...I think everyone goes through rough patches and I was laying in bed last night praying that I get out of the rut soon!! this is where God is hilarious sometimes...I woke up and went for a nice long run and was feeling so much better when I sat down with my egg whites and one of my favorite and OH SO Appropriate songs was being performed on GMA!! ahaha  The song is one that you just have to blast your speakers to! 

Cee Lo Green's "Fuck You"

Of course he performed his "forget you" version, but it still made me realize that shit happens and I've just gotta choose to get over it and move on! :) This song was just the most perfect song I needed this morning!! I know it's not the nicest song in the world...but I LOVE IT!

So today, I am starting with a fresh start and saying "forget you" to my shit over the last month! :)  Happy Tuesday!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Where the Heck I've Been....

It has been too long since my last post considering I made a personal goal to blog more often...ugh....but I've been traveling and getting settled into my VERY last semester at MSJ!!!!

My first mini-vacation was to Las Vegas with my sister and her friend to visit my parents who now live out there.  We spent quite a few days laying by the pool and soaking up the hot Vegas sun! Shopping, eating, and hiking pretty much sums up the rest of the trip.  I LOVE the hiking side of Vegas, not many people are aware of just how gorgeous it can be! We hiked Red Rock Canyon and Mt. Charleston during this trip.  Mt. Charleston is absolutely gorgeous this time of year because all of the aspens are changing colors and are a really bright yellow color.  It was a blast to be able to spend that time with my family that I only am able to see a few times per year.

My next mini-vacation was spent with the hubs.  We went to Orlando, FL so that he could compete in the Paintball World Cup.  It was an absolute blast regardless if they placed or not.  The weather was beautiful! We were able to go to the beach one day and to Disney World as well.  It was a perfect trip for us to get away from the stress of home, work, and school.

Now we finally came home the week of Halloween, which happens to be one of our favorite holidays and the hubs and I love to go all out and dress up.  SOOO....the rest of that week was spend preparing our costumes and such! Oh yes...we are The American Gladiators!!!

There, now you have my excuses as to why I haven't blogged in so long! :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Top 2 Tuesday

I was inspired by a new blogger I found to start doing these posts...great idea Natasha!

For my Top 2 Tuesday...I will do my top 2 favorite things about October:

1.  Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is such a great reminder of what's important for me and my family~ It's a reminder of those amazing women in the fight, having won the fight, or unfortunately those that lost the fight.
It's a reminder to check your girlfriends, and remind your girlfriends to do the same! :)  October reminds me of the strongest woman I know...MY MOM for winning her "pink" battle.  It reminds me to continue to live a healthy lifestyle to reduce my risk and spread the awareness to others! :)  Happy Breast Cancer Awareness Month~

 2.  Fall Candles

I LOVE the smell of apple cider, fall leaves, and so many others that come along with this season! Nothing much better than relaxing at home with my lil family, windows open, coffee in hand (of course), and the smell of a fall candle burning! ahhh love those days! I suggest Bath&Body Works Candles or Yankee...they burn the longest and smell the best~

Monday, October 11, 2010

Global Warming

87* in October?! Who says Global Warming is bad...well except for the polar bears!?! This morning's run was a difficult one...and I think this heat had something to do with it.  Humidity and heat in Mid OCTOBER?! My poor lungs are in shock! Being on vacation allows for one to take a break and really focus on important aspects of my life...I allow myself to sleep in (a bit), run as far as I desire, go to classes at the gym I normally don't have the time to take, clean house, and walk the pups as far as Spike (the fat one) will go.  Did I mention being able to have lunch with the hubs?! be on vacation all the time!!! Happy Monday! Hope all of you take time to enjoy something today! :)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Crunchy Leaf Season is here! Let the battle with my fat-kid-self begin!

There is nothing like a chilly fall morning run when the sun isn't hardly up and all you hear around you is....CRUNCH, CRUNCH,'s the time of year when I realize I have to be stronger than my lazy/fat kid hidden inside my body! Getting up from a warm and cozy bed with my pups and hubs to the freezing cold and sometimes rainy outside is the last thing my fat kid self wants to do...but then I realize how good I will feel if I just get up and workout.  :)  I think it's so important to remind yourself how good you will feel, how your mood and food cravings will change when you start your day with an early morning workout.  Now that the "battle" season is upon us...I challenge you to beat your get outta bed and start each day fresh...with a quiet, yet chilly, workout. :)

Things to remember about Fall workouts:
~Allow enough time to warm up....your muscles are starting out extra "cold" so start your runs a little slower to allow your body to adjust.
~Don't push yourself too quickly...warm muscles take to challenge a lot more efficiently than cold ones.
~Try to find a workout partner..they will keep you motivated when you just don't feel like getting out of bed.
~As always...STRETCHING is sooo important...after your muscles are warmed up.
~If you choose to take your runs inside...remember to keep the treadmill grade at least at 1-2%grade to mock real terrain.
~Have fun with your workouts...rake leaves, run around the yard with your pups, go hiking with the hubs...find reasons to enjoy the cooler weather...before we know it...the snow will arrive!

Happy Fall :)

Monday, September 6, 2010


 Way too often...I find myself overly excited about 29c bananas at the grocery only to find half of the bunch brown by the end of the week! I got fed up with throwing them away and found this amazing banana bread recipe on ""....LOVE this site!  This one is a low fat version, and instead of plain yogurt I used fat-free raspberry...YUMMO!

Live.Love. has been crazy busy since the AZ say the least...I started my new clinical...working in a long-term skilled nursing home...I <3 old people! I have learned so much from working with old people everyday. They inspire me to make mistakes while I'm do things and step out of my comfort do things that will make for great stories later in life.  They inspire me to love my DH through thick and thin, to stand by my man NO MATTER WHAT! They have reminded me of the importance of family and friends...and the strong bond that can be formed if you just make the effort.  Over the last month, the hubs and I have really been working hard on strengthening our relationship, a strong marriage means a happy life and a best friend to stand by your side through the good times and bad.  I feel closer to him everyday that makes me want to be a better wife, daughter, friend, sister....When you work hard on the relationships in your life...nothing else matters...not the money...not the stress...not the's family and friends :)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Arizona Trip!

We just got back from our trip out to Scottsdale, AZ and the Grand Canyon.  The hiking was intense out there, but so worth it.  The views were breath taking! In Scottsdale, shopping, food, and the spas were amazing!! All in all it was a relaxing trip.  I used the condo gym a few days and the others we were in the Canyon hiking our butts off! The trails were very steep and the sun was hot! The few times it sprinkled, it was refreshing~ I would recommend bringing a backpack to carry some trail mix, water, and Gatorade...the trails take about 1.5-4hrs depending on which ones you choose.  We watched the sun set over the canyon one night...simply amazing views and an awing experience. :)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

A 3 month rut...

Wow...does time fly or what? After the marathon and finals, my world seemed to speed up! I have been quite the busy bee working 2 jobs and completing my clinical... I felt like I hit a "blog" rut...It was like falling off the track on a diet...I knew I should update, but I just couldn't find the motivation to get back on track! :( Well...will much motivation from the DH, I am BACK!!! I will try to update weekly about food, family, workout (of course), or other fun stuff!

As a result from this rut, I have realized how much I rely on external motivation to get things done...maybe this is a good thing...or maybe not.... I haven't been running as much as I was 3 months sure is easy to sleep in on Saturday mornings rather than run 7, 13, 20 miles!!  I think having the motivation is essential to a positive and successful training schedule...but what to do when you aren't "training"....???  I have been getting up at 4:45am to make it to spin class or to run before work...this has really helped keep me in shape over the last 3 months when I am now working a full time job and working after work...there aren't too many excuses at 4am! ha  I sure do miss those early morning LONG runs I am going to attempt to work them slowly back into my schedule...we shall see how this goes.... ;)

I believe that whatever your motivation may be, whether it's a running partner, a DH to remind you of the important things in life, or simply the way you is essential to grasp onto those precious pieces of motivation to maintain a healthy balance in life...physically, emotionally, and spiritually... I have let them slowly slip over the last 3 months...but I am back on schedule...and plan to keep motivated with the help of my precious pieces... :)

Love. LAUGH. eat. LIVE <3

Thursday, May 6, 2010

WOW! What a week....

Ran my very 1st marathon, 3 finals, and finished year 2 of PT school!!!!! I think I accomplished more this first week of May, than I did the ENTIRE month of April! :)

Now for the marathon update:  it hurts like HELL, but feels sooo good! Nobody ever told me it could hurt so bad and be so rewarding at the same time! Then again, if marathoners went around announcing just how much it hurts...probably wouldn't have done one!  I was feeling good nearly the whole run, despite the rain that started at mile 0 and was on and off until it ended at 25! My IT really didn't act up until around mile 15, then of course I tripped in a pot hole at mile 16! HA but wasn't about to let that stop me from finishing!!! It was a truly amazing each mile passed brought on a new set of emotions! Every mile that my amazing/supportive husband and family were was a sense of support, as if they were carrying us to the next mile we would see them! Every time someone in the crowd would cheer my heart would fill with strength to keep wasn't until the last 4-5 miles when I truly hit that "wall"... it was close...but not too close! ha I cannot begin to explain how much strength I found once I saw the city on the horizon....but it wasn't until that last .1 mile when my heart began to over flow with much that I started to cry for joy of this accomplishment...but had to make myself stop so I wouldn't hyperventilate! ha  All in all it was an AMAZING, REWARDING, and STRENGTHENING experience that I will never EVER forget!!

Thank you to my amazing husband who supported me through every step of the way, I love you so much!!

Gianna~ Thank you for being the best running partner and for convincing me to do this with was a truly empowering accomplishment!! :) Nice JOB! :)

Family~ your support on the day of (before & during the race, and the yummy lunch after), words of encouragement, and prayers for a great run were truly appreciated! THANK YOU!!

Friends~ Thank you for the luck and words of encouragement! :) 

Today I woke up and was actually able to walk down the stairs like a normal human being!! YEAH!!! Only those who have felt the pain of a long run will truly understand what an accomplishment simply walking down the stairs can feel like! haha I was very sore the last 4 days, but am feeling great today AND was actually able to sleep through the night last night without being wakened by pain!'s time for my much needed massage!! :)  Happy Thursday! :)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

1 week left!!

As I sit here on a very early Sunday morning....I realized that in 7 days I will have been running for almost 2 hrs already!! Just saying that brings butterflies to my stomach and a smile to my face! I cannot believe how far my body has come in a short 4 months of training!  As I was running my "longest" run before the race yesterday, I was thinking to myself...6 miles is a breeze now, it's a warm-up...but 4 months ago, I dreaded running 6 miles! ha The human body is built amazingly to physically and mentally support you through anything you set your mind to...this next week is going to be a challenge as I prepare for 2 weeks of finals (3 exams + a final practical), work 4 nights, and try to prepare my body for the journey on Sunday.  All I can God help me get through these next 2 weeks with health and sanity! :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Free Shipping at Under Armour today...any purchase! :)


Running is Painful running partner Gianna and I made it through all 20 miles!!! It was a struggle, but when it was all finished...we both said "oh we can do 6.2 more"! :)  I have felt sore before...but never this much soreness! Haha I am still sore today...going down stairs is HELL hahaha other than that...I feel great! Mentally, I feel confident that we can do it!

Last night at work, I was serving a group of 5 women and I heard them talking about running/ of course I walked over to chime in...and when I told them I was training for the full marathon and had just ran my 20mi the day before...they got up from their table and hugged me for a good minute! haha it was awkward...but felt good that someone could understand the soreness! haha Anyway...they told me about a run in San Fran called the Nike Women's Marathon. When you cross the finish line...a sexy firefighter (in uniform) gives you a Tiffany's Necklace!!! What more could a woman ask for after running a marathon! haha I think I am feeling a weekend getaway in San Fran in a few years!! :)

Hope everyone has a great Monday!! :)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Pre-Long Run Fuel

I have been doing some research over the last few days trying to gear up for this 20 miler on Saturday...From what I have read, it seems best to start your pre-long run fuel-up 2-3 days prior to the long run.  It is really important to start loading with electrolytes and H2O 2 days prior (at least) and carb load 1 day prior.  Yesterday and Today, I was sure to get in at least 100oz of H2O and 32oz of Gatorade (G2 of course, because less calories!) Tomorrow, my goal is to get in another 90-100oz of H2O and 32oz of G2.  I will also be increasing my caloric intake tomorrow, to fuel my body with the proper carb to fat ratio.  The goal is to load with carbs, low fat, and items that are easily digestible (avoid a lot of fiber) to avoid any GI issues on the day of the run! ;) Thus, for breakfast I will have a whole grain english muffin (pb+j), mid morning will be 2 mini oranges, lunch will be chicken breast and wild rice, snack will be carrots + triscuits and dinner will be spaghetti + turkey meatballs! :)

I hope that this will properly fuel my body for the long journey ahead of me come Saturday. I hear...these long runs are mostly MENTAL...It's hard to believe that my mental state will carry my legs 20 miles, but I am trying to think positively! :) Luckily, my running partner (Gianna) will be there with me every step of the way! Hopefully we can come up with 3+ hours of things to talk about! ha Which reminds goal time for Saturday is 3hs and 20min. that's right about 9:45min/mile!  Crossing my fingers~!!! :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Hard work

So today I realized that hard work does pay off!! I foam-rolled the snot out of my IT band this past week and weekend and was able to finish 12.5 miles relatively pain free!! :) Plus, I studied my weekend away only to realize that I totally over-studied for my exam today! I suppose I would much rather be over-prepared than under! :)   Now...I can only hope that all the hard work and training I've put my body through over the last few months will carry me through my last long run before the marathon!!  Yup...I am already mentally preparing for this 20 miler I must dominate on Saturday!!  I cannot believe that it is almost here already...It's amazing how fast time passes!!  So this week I've learned that if you work hard at achieving something...sometimes you will be prepared and sometimes you will be over-prepared...either way...hard work does pay off!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tight IT Band

Well...I guess I spoke too soon...that 70min. wasn't as easy as I though it was going to be... As soon as I started running I had sharp pains from my hip to the outside of my knee...killer pain! I decided it must be from a tight IT Band... Basically this is when the myofacial covering on your muscles gets too tight from overuse, nonalignment during running, or other problem (it is basically a tightness).  To fix this problem you need a good myofacial release followed by stretching.  A foam roller is used to provide that deep, painful, myofacial release.  Since I didn't have a foam roller my DH kneaded my leg for a good 10 min. last night that was the "hurt so good" kind of pain.  It seemed to do the job until this am when I woke up and could barely move!! SOOO... I got myself a foam roller to hopefully get a deeper release and take care of this problem before this Saturday's run!! I am skipping today's scheduled run to try to rest up my legs before Saturday. 

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My first post!

Today I woke up feeling very blessed...with an amazing and supportive husband, two very adorable dogs, an education that I am still working on (that drives me crazy sometimes), and good health! Oh and don't forget the sun shinning in the windows, the warm spring breeze, and chirping birds outside! :) How can anybody not feel blessed on a gorgeous day like today?! So..speaking of good health....I am going to run a short 70min. later today and then go hiking with the hubs and pups later.  I think it's important to get in some sort of exercise everyday...even if it's just a short walk around the block.  Exercise is good for the body, the mind, and stress.