Thursday, April 15, 2010

Pre-Long Run Fuel

I have been doing some research over the last few days trying to gear up for this 20 miler on Saturday...From what I have read, it seems best to start your pre-long run fuel-up 2-3 days prior to the long run.  It is really important to start loading with electrolytes and H2O 2 days prior (at least) and carb load 1 day prior.  Yesterday and Today, I was sure to get in at least 100oz of H2O and 32oz of Gatorade (G2 of course, because less calories!) Tomorrow, my goal is to get in another 90-100oz of H2O and 32oz of G2.  I will also be increasing my caloric intake tomorrow, to fuel my body with the proper carb to fat ratio.  The goal is to load with carbs, low fat, and items that are easily digestible (avoid a lot of fiber) to avoid any GI issues on the day of the run! ;) Thus, for breakfast I will have a whole grain english muffin (pb+j), mid morning will be 2 mini oranges, lunch will be chicken breast and wild rice, snack will be carrots + triscuits and dinner will be spaghetti + turkey meatballs! :)

I hope that this will properly fuel my body for the long journey ahead of me come Saturday. I hear...these long runs are mostly MENTAL...It's hard to believe that my mental state will carry my legs 20 miles, but I am trying to think positively! :) Luckily, my running partner (Gianna) will be there with me every step of the way! Hopefully we can come up with 3+ hours of things to talk about! ha Which reminds goal time for Saturday is 3hs and 20min. that's right about 9:45min/mile!  Crossing my fingers~!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. ha I read about runners who use audiobooks! haha that takes a lot of concentration, but I bet it makes the time go by faster! :) yes..I agree ... a lot is mental! I'll keep ya posted on how it goes!!
