Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tight IT Band

Well...I guess I spoke too soon...that 70min. wasn't as easy as I though it was going to be... As soon as I started running I had sharp pains from my hip to the outside of my knee...killer pain! I decided it must be from a tight IT Band... Basically this is when the myofacial covering on your muscles gets too tight from overuse, nonalignment during running, or other problem (it is basically a tightness).  To fix this problem you need a good myofacial release followed by stretching.  A foam roller is used to provide that deep, painful, myofacial release.  Since I didn't have a foam roller my DH kneaded my leg for a good 10 min. last night that was the "hurt so good" kind of pain.  It seemed to do the job until this am when I woke up and could barely move!! SOOO... I got myself a foam roller to hopefully get a deeper release and take care of this problem before this Saturday's run!! I am skipping today's scheduled run to try to rest up my legs before Saturday. 

1 comment:

  1. It hurts so badly...I almost cried the first time...but it is feeling better each time I use it. haha I hope I don't curse everytime...
