Monday, November 8, 2010

Where the Heck I've Been....

It has been too long since my last post considering I made a personal goal to blog more often...ugh....but I've been traveling and getting settled into my VERY last semester at MSJ!!!!

My first mini-vacation was to Las Vegas with my sister and her friend to visit my parents who now live out there.  We spent quite a few days laying by the pool and soaking up the hot Vegas sun! Shopping, eating, and hiking pretty much sums up the rest of the trip.  I LOVE the hiking side of Vegas, not many people are aware of just how gorgeous it can be! We hiked Red Rock Canyon and Mt. Charleston during this trip.  Mt. Charleston is absolutely gorgeous this time of year because all of the aspens are changing colors and are a really bright yellow color.  It was a blast to be able to spend that time with my family that I only am able to see a few times per year.

My next mini-vacation was spent with the hubs.  We went to Orlando, FL so that he could compete in the Paintball World Cup.  It was an absolute blast regardless if they placed or not.  The weather was beautiful! We were able to go to the beach one day and to Disney World as well.  It was a perfect trip for us to get away from the stress of home, work, and school.

Now we finally came home the week of Halloween, which happens to be one of our favorite holidays and the hubs and I love to go all out and dress up.  SOOO....the rest of that week was spend preparing our costumes and such! Oh yes...we are The American Gladiators!!!

There, now you have my excuses as to why I haven't blogged in so long! :)

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