Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving Confessional

Thanksgiving #1
    1 slice pumpkin pie + 2 pieces of birthday cake + normal servings of typical foods (broccoli casserole, turkey, potatoes) and plenty of beer!
    I ran 3 miles that morning though!

Birthday Night Out
   Pizza + lots of shots + vodka&cranberry
   2 hours of dancing!

Turkey day #2
    Turkey, potatoes, stuffing, a glass of white wine, and a very small portion of pumpkin creme brulee

Whew...feel much better now! 

My point? That even if you let yourself have a second scoop of potatoes, or an extra (few extras) beer, or skip your workouts for a few days...your diet or healthy lifestyle will NOT be ruined!! So...don't beat yourself up over a few bad days...get back out there and continue on your healthy track! Just be sure to put those stretchy pants away and get off the couch!! :) I know after 3 days off...I will start fresh again tomorrow morning!!

1 comment:

  1. way to go girl! I'm proud you kept up with the running! especially with the crappy weather we had!
