Sunday, July 18, 2010

A 3 month rut...

Wow...does time fly or what? After the marathon and finals, my world seemed to speed up! I have been quite the busy bee working 2 jobs and completing my clinical... I felt like I hit a "blog" rut...It was like falling off the track on a diet...I knew I should update, but I just couldn't find the motivation to get back on track! :( Well...will much motivation from the DH, I am BACK!!! I will try to update weekly about food, family, workout (of course), or other fun stuff!

As a result from this rut, I have realized how much I rely on external motivation to get things done...maybe this is a good thing...or maybe not.... I haven't been running as much as I was 3 months sure is easy to sleep in on Saturday mornings rather than run 7, 13, 20 miles!!  I think having the motivation is essential to a positive and successful training schedule...but what to do when you aren't "training"....???  I have been getting up at 4:45am to make it to spin class or to run before work...this has really helped keep me in shape over the last 3 months when I am now working a full time job and working after work...there aren't too many excuses at 4am! ha  I sure do miss those early morning LONG runs I am going to attempt to work them slowly back into my schedule...we shall see how this goes.... ;)

I believe that whatever your motivation may be, whether it's a running partner, a DH to remind you of the important things in life, or simply the way you is essential to grasp onto those precious pieces of motivation to maintain a healthy balance in life...physically, emotionally, and spiritually... I have let them slowly slip over the last 3 months...but I am back on schedule...and plan to keep motivated with the help of my precious pieces... :)

Love. LAUGH. eat. LIVE <3

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