Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Crunchy Leaf Season is here! Let the battle with my fat-kid-self begin!

There is nothing like a chilly fall morning run when the sun isn't hardly up and all you hear around you is....CRUNCH, CRUNCH, CRUNCH...it's the time of year when I realize I have to be stronger than my lazy/fat kid hidden inside my body! Getting up from a warm and cozy bed with my pups and hubs to the freezing cold and sometimes rainy outside is the last thing my fat kid self wants to do...but then I realize how good I will feel if I just get up and workout.  :)  I think it's so important to remind yourself how good you will feel, how your mood and food cravings will change when you start your day with an early morning workout.  Now that the "battle" season is upon us...I challenge you to beat your fat-kid-self...to get outta bed and start each day fresh...with a quiet, yet chilly, workout. :)

Things to remember about Fall workouts:
~Allow enough time to warm up....your muscles are starting out extra "cold" so start your runs a little slower to allow your body to adjust.
~Don't push yourself too quickly...warm muscles take to challenge a lot more efficiently than cold ones.
~Try to find a workout partner..they will keep you motivated when you just don't feel like getting out of bed.
~As always...STRETCHING is sooo important...after your muscles are warmed up.
~If you choose to take your runs inside...remember to keep the treadmill grade at least at 1-2%grade to mock real terrain.
~Have fun with your workouts...rake leaves, run around the yard with your pups, go hiking with the hubs...find reasons to enjoy the cooler weather...before we know it...the snow will arrive!

Happy Fall :)

1 comment:

  1. great post as usual! it is always tough to get out and workout when it is cold, however it is so worth it when the sun does finally come out and so do the fatties trying to get thin, but you're already there!
