Sunday, April 25, 2010

1 week left!!

As I sit here on a very early Sunday morning....I realized that in 7 days I will have been running for almost 2 hrs already!! Just saying that brings butterflies to my stomach and a smile to my face! I cannot believe how far my body has come in a short 4 months of training!  As I was running my "longest" run before the race yesterday, I was thinking to myself...6 miles is a breeze now, it's a warm-up...but 4 months ago, I dreaded running 6 miles! ha The human body is built amazingly to physically and mentally support you through anything you set your mind to...this next week is going to be a challenge as I prepare for 2 weeks of finals (3 exams + a final practical), work 4 nights, and try to prepare my body for the journey on Sunday.  All I can God help me get through these next 2 weeks with health and sanity! :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Free Shipping at Under Armour today...any purchase! :)


Running is Painful running partner Gianna and I made it through all 20 miles!!! It was a struggle, but when it was all finished...we both said "oh we can do 6.2 more"! :)  I have felt sore before...but never this much soreness! Haha I am still sore today...going down stairs is HELL hahaha other than that...I feel great! Mentally, I feel confident that we can do it!

Last night at work, I was serving a group of 5 women and I heard them talking about running/ of course I walked over to chime in...and when I told them I was training for the full marathon and had just ran my 20mi the day before...they got up from their table and hugged me for a good minute! haha it was awkward...but felt good that someone could understand the soreness! haha Anyway...they told me about a run in San Fran called the Nike Women's Marathon. When you cross the finish line...a sexy firefighter (in uniform) gives you a Tiffany's Necklace!!! What more could a woman ask for after running a marathon! haha I think I am feeling a weekend getaway in San Fran in a few years!! :)

Hope everyone has a great Monday!! :)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Pre-Long Run Fuel

I have been doing some research over the last few days trying to gear up for this 20 miler on Saturday...From what I have read, it seems best to start your pre-long run fuel-up 2-3 days prior to the long run.  It is really important to start loading with electrolytes and H2O 2 days prior (at least) and carb load 1 day prior.  Yesterday and Today, I was sure to get in at least 100oz of H2O and 32oz of Gatorade (G2 of course, because less calories!) Tomorrow, my goal is to get in another 90-100oz of H2O and 32oz of G2.  I will also be increasing my caloric intake tomorrow, to fuel my body with the proper carb to fat ratio.  The goal is to load with carbs, low fat, and items that are easily digestible (avoid a lot of fiber) to avoid any GI issues on the day of the run! ;) Thus, for breakfast I will have a whole grain english muffin (pb+j), mid morning will be 2 mini oranges, lunch will be chicken breast and wild rice, snack will be carrots + triscuits and dinner will be spaghetti + turkey meatballs! :)

I hope that this will properly fuel my body for the long journey ahead of me come Saturday. I hear...these long runs are mostly MENTAL...It's hard to believe that my mental state will carry my legs 20 miles, but I am trying to think positively! :) Luckily, my running partner (Gianna) will be there with me every step of the way! Hopefully we can come up with 3+ hours of things to talk about! ha Which reminds goal time for Saturday is 3hs and 20min. that's right about 9:45min/mile!  Crossing my fingers~!!! :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Hard work

So today I realized that hard work does pay off!! I foam-rolled the snot out of my IT band this past week and weekend and was able to finish 12.5 miles relatively pain free!! :) Plus, I studied my weekend away only to realize that I totally over-studied for my exam today! I suppose I would much rather be over-prepared than under! :)   Now...I can only hope that all the hard work and training I've put my body through over the last few months will carry me through my last long run before the marathon!!  Yup...I am already mentally preparing for this 20 miler I must dominate on Saturday!!  I cannot believe that it is almost here already...It's amazing how fast time passes!!  So this week I've learned that if you work hard at achieving something...sometimes you will be prepared and sometimes you will be over-prepared...either way...hard work does pay off!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tight IT Band

Well...I guess I spoke too soon...that 70min. wasn't as easy as I though it was going to be... As soon as I started running I had sharp pains from my hip to the outside of my knee...killer pain! I decided it must be from a tight IT Band... Basically this is when the myofacial covering on your muscles gets too tight from overuse, nonalignment during running, or other problem (it is basically a tightness).  To fix this problem you need a good myofacial release followed by stretching.  A foam roller is used to provide that deep, painful, myofacial release.  Since I didn't have a foam roller my DH kneaded my leg for a good 10 min. last night that was the "hurt so good" kind of pain.  It seemed to do the job until this am when I woke up and could barely move!! SOOO... I got myself a foam roller to hopefully get a deeper release and take care of this problem before this Saturday's run!! I am skipping today's scheduled run to try to rest up my legs before Saturday. 

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My first post!

Today I woke up feeling very blessed...with an amazing and supportive husband, two very adorable dogs, an education that I am still working on (that drives me crazy sometimes), and good health! Oh and don't forget the sun shinning in the windows, the warm spring breeze, and chirping birds outside! :) How can anybody not feel blessed on a gorgeous day like today?! So..speaking of good health....I am going to run a short 70min. later today and then go hiking with the hubs and pups later.  I think it's important to get in some sort of exercise everyday...even if it's just a short walk around the block.  Exercise is good for the body, the mind, and stress.