Sunday, October 9, 2011

Love yourself enough to slow down to recover...

This past week I returned to spinning for the first time after having Ryan.  I was scared to death to say the least to have all that pressure from the seat and for the physical demand it requires...haha but it went great! I made it through the class, sweating more then I used to and my butt was sore for a few more days that it used to be! haha Returning to working out after a baby has given me the opportunity to reflect on what it means to be healthy. 

I realized that I have to slow down when my body says so and work my way back up to the level of fitness I was at prior to getting pregnant.  I know that I will get back there, or at least close to it one day, but for now I need to focus on slowly returning to fitness safely and pain-free.  As a PT, I treat patients everyday and encourage them to have patience and slowly recover from their injuries.  Going through pregnancy and having a new baby has helped me gain a new level of understanding for what my patients go through everyday.  It is hard to love yourself through rehab, it's hard to allow yourself the sufficient time it takes to recover, it's hard to allow life to slow down enough to focus on yourself and heal.  It may be hard, but if you're not physically and mentally healthy, how can you possibly give of yourself to others? I have found encouragement through my family, just knowing that when I am healthy and happy, I can give more love to them and as the saying goes...."if momma's not happy, nobody's happy" hahah  So go on and give yourself time for recovery from whatever may have set you back, whether it's a baby, an injury, an emotional owe it to yourself to heal at your own yourself first so that you may share that love wholeheartedly with the people you love the most! :)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Week 5 Reflections of new mom challenges & celebrations!

Wow! What a change life has brought to me over the last couple of months...but especially in the last 5 weeks! Ryan turned 5 weeks marks the first day of my last week off from work... :-( As I sit here watching my precious baby sleep I am encouraged to reflect on the challenges and celebrations over the last 5 weeks!

My first challenge was of course the labor...haha But I will spare you all details from that! ;)

My second challenge came shortly thereafter...breastfeeding.  From the beginning I have been pro-breastfeeding as it is the best for the baby for a multitude of reasons that I will assume you know (anti-bodies, stronger immune systems, stronger bones, muscles, higher IQ, better vision, mother/baby bonding...and many others)  I never thought that this would be the biggest challenge of becoming a new mom! The first 2 weeks were filled with frustration and tears from both mom and baby! But with the encouragement of my DH and my family...I continued to stick with it and avoid the desire to quit.  I can now say with a smile on my face...I am a happy breastfeeder! hahaha At least for a few more weeks... We will start to introduce formula late this week as I am going back to work and will not be able to solely provide for my babe...but I will continue to try as hard as possible!  Not to mention the caloric benefits of breastfeeding! You burn approximately 500 cal/day breastfeeding! And thanks to that...I am now only 5lbs away from my pre-baby weight! whoop whoop! (I would consider my inability to workout and my weight obsession another challenge but we will not dwell on that...hopefully I will be cleared on Friday and I will be a work-out queen once again! haha)

The third challenge has been the lack of sleep...Mr. no-sleep man likes to wake up every 2 hours still...I'm hoping that this changes soon..and mommy can get more sleep because she is a grumpy monster on no sleep! ;)  So for now he continues to sleep in a pack-n-play in our bedroom because it is much easier to wake up, change him, feed him and put him back to sleep when he is only a few steps away! We are hoping to put him in his own room soon...or as soon as he starts sleeping longer hours! We are working on not waking him to eat anymore and praying that the 6-week mark is really as wonderful as everyone keeps telling us...every new parent we have talked to has said their baby started sleeping on a schedule and for longer hours when he turned 6 weeks....please GOD let our baby be that way! This momma has to go back to work next week and needs sleep to function! haha

Now for the celebrations....

 First walk with Mommy & Daddy! He even has a number 1 finger up! haha

 First Bath! He loved it! :)

Tummy Time! 
(he has gotten much better at this over the last few weeks, he can even hold his head up for a few seconds now!)

Snuggly, loving, sweet baby boy....
You have brought so much joy to our lives! You are a precious gift from God!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

WOW it has been a very VERY long time since I posted....a lot has happened in my life since my last post.... but to sum up the last 6 months....

I graduated Physical Therapy school in May, passed my boards, and started a new job at a local hospital.  I absolutely LOVE working as a PT!! Everyday I come home feeling a certain level of pride that I have helped at least 1 person today in their road to recovery.  Working a big girl job with a big girl PAYCHECK has been so great! :)

And...Of course on August 14th my hubby and I welcomed our new baby boy into the world! That alone has been a life changing event that is so amazing there are no words to describe the moment you first look into your newborn's eyes. :) 

The last two weeks have been filled with lots of excitement, worry, tears (from baby and mom), sleep-deprived nights...but most of all LOVE.  I never knew a love so deep as the one I now feel for my son and husband! I would do anything for our lil family!! It has been so fun watching my husband become a father and our love grow for each other. 

Now...since the day I found out I was pregnant I said I wouldn't stop working out, and would continue to eat healthy.  I followed those two rules...for the most part anyway.  I continued to workout on a regular basis (but rather than running, I did a lot of walking).  My belly didn't really limit my working out as much as my chest size (I swear I could make a million bucks if I designed a sports bra that REALLY holds the girlfriends in place when you are larger than a D).  My diet was nearly flawless (with the exception of an extra food group I added -- Graeters)! hehe Now that the baby is here I am feeling very anxious to get back into the swing of I cannot wait to be cleared in 4 more weeks to resume normal physical activity! I may just cry at the end of my spin class or long run!  In the meantime...Baby Ryan and I have been taking morning strolls in the neighborhood and the whole family (fur babies included) have been walking at night! Only 10 pounds away from my pre-baby weight! Cannot wait to get there....

Friday, February 4, 2011

Breaking news.... :)

WHOA....what a whirlwind the last almost 2 months have been....I was forced to take a blogging vacation because all I could think about was the 6 + pregnancy tests...yes I took 6! hahaha but I had to keep my mouth shut for a while to make sure the (now little plum) would be ok! I found out on the morning of Dec. 10th when I randomly took a test and it came back positive...immediately a MILLION thoughts, worries, and holy shits went through my head!!! I can only imagine what went through my hubby's head as he looked at me and said "are you OK?" and I replied with a positive test in my hand and said "maybe we should get more tests..." hahaha     After the initial shock that I now realize most new parents-to-be go through...we couldn't be happier to announce to our family and friends that we are going to be a family of 3!! well 5 if you include our pups! ;)  Hearing her strong, fast little heartbeat was one of the best experiences I have had with my hubby (his face was priceless), and I cannot wait til our first ultrasound!!!

I always said I would run my lil heart out throughout my entire pregnancy and that I wouldn't be like all those other moms who quit running just because of pregnancy....I was WRONG!! ha All I could think about was how guilty I would feel if something happened and we found out it was because I was running...needless to say...I am a big fat worry wort!! My doc told me that I cannot be running or training for any marathons, but running is just fine since my body was already used to it....but...I stopped running until last week when I finally realized that my lil plum would be just fine if I continued running (just at a slower pace over fewer miles)...and if she didn't like it...she would give me a warning sign! I have been going to the gym at least 3x a week for about 45min of cardio (give or take) and feeling great! It gives me a renewed sense of energy that I didn't know existed because I've been soooo fatigued over the last few weeks...but after a workout, I feel like my old self again...strong, healthy, and happy! :)

As for my diet....I thought I ate healthy before a weed sprouted in my uterus....but geez everything I put in my mouth I now question the nutritional value of...I mean everything!! I thought I'd eat my heart out for the first time in my life...but nope...I'm counting my fruit and veggie servings (trying for at least 3 of each/day...and even that is hard), I'm trying to eat less sweets/desserts....but that's a struggle of course, and I'm watching my caffeine consumption like it's evil or something! very little coffee is now being consumed...I miss it...but know it's all for the plum! :) 

With everything that has been going on in our lives over that last few months...I have learned it is possible to love my husband even more :), to count my blessings, and my faith in God has grown! How can you not believe in a higher power when a human being is being formed inside of you!??! I simply amazing! :) :)  I hope everyone has an wonderful day!

ps....I realized I called the baby a girl multiple times...we don't know what it is yet...but maybe that's a sign?! :)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Working out in the SNOW!

This morning I woke up feeling like the last thing I wanted to do was truck through the snow and cold to go run on a treadmill, but was determined to do it anyway since I've been slacking over the last 2 weeks. :)  When I opened my garage and discovered my driveway still wasn't plowed (despite paying people to do it!) I decided that a change of plans was in order!! So I ran upstairs, changed into my snow clothes, and grabbed the shovel! I love the workout that shoveling snow can give you ~ you work your core when stabilizing yourself and in lifting the snow, you work your arms and back muscles to lift the snow, you hopefully work your legs too if you lift properly, and of course you get a cardio workout as well! I know that when I shovel, I definitely receive a total body workout because I'm usually sore all over within a few hours. :)  Now for those of you who are calorie counters....the amount of calories burned will vary depending on your weight, but I used my heart rate  and VO2max caloric burning rate to determine my number of calories burned.....and it was approximately 250 fat calories and 375 total calories! If you haven't had your VO2max performed you can use a common calorie counter such as the one found on  That's a lot for not having to leave my home to receive a total body workout! :) 

Just be careful not to dump the snow in your face! hahaha aww poor kiddo!

I challenge you to take advantage of the snow, get out of the house, and break up your exercise routine! Nothing better than spending time outside when the snow is falling, your dogs are running around, and it's absolutely beautiful out! :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wishful Wednesday

With a little over a week until Christmas, my wish is that everyone would take time to find a giving tree and donate to a family/organization in need.  For the past month I have been struggling trying to decide if I should take a tag off the giving tree at work...well last Wednesday I decided I would take a few off the thing I know...I was buying for 5 different people!! It was such an amazing and joyful feeling to know that I can share what I have earned to some kiddos, teachers, and elderly. :)  So my WISH is that you take a few minutes out of your week to make a difference in someone else's life via a giving tree! Everyone needs a little extra love especially around Christmas time!! :) 

Days 11, 12, and 13 of the 12 Days of Cookies!

Day 11 ~ Polvorones: Ground Walnut Cookies

My mom used to make these for us on Christmas Eve.  They are dry, but great with a good cup of eggnog or peppermint coffee (my personal fav) :)

 Day 12 ~ Craisy Oatmeal Cookies

You really cannot go wrong with an oatmeal cookie.  Not sure how I feel about it for a Christmas cookie, but still a yummy choice.

Day 13 ~ 3-in-1 Sugar Cookies

awww...finally they listened to me...or facebook apparently ~ this is the "facebook fan" cookie of choice.  Nothing screams Christmas quite like a decorated sugar cookie! :)

Hope you all enjoyed reading and baking the  12 Days of Christmas Cookies! :)