Sunday, October 9, 2011

Love yourself enough to slow down to recover...

This past week I returned to spinning for the first time after having Ryan.  I was scared to death to say the least to have all that pressure from the seat and for the physical demand it requires...haha but it went great! I made it through the class, sweating more then I used to and my butt was sore for a few more days that it used to be! haha Returning to working out after a baby has given me the opportunity to reflect on what it means to be healthy. 

I realized that I have to slow down when my body says so and work my way back up to the level of fitness I was at prior to getting pregnant.  I know that I will get back there, or at least close to it one day, but for now I need to focus on slowly returning to fitness safely and pain-free.  As a PT, I treat patients everyday and encourage them to have patience and slowly recover from their injuries.  Going through pregnancy and having a new baby has helped me gain a new level of understanding for what my patients go through everyday.  It is hard to love yourself through rehab, it's hard to allow yourself the sufficient time it takes to recover, it's hard to allow life to slow down enough to focus on yourself and heal.  It may be hard, but if you're not physically and mentally healthy, how can you possibly give of yourself to others? I have found encouragement through my family, just knowing that when I am healthy and happy, I can give more love to them and as the saying goes...."if momma's not happy, nobody's happy" hahah  So go on and give yourself time for recovery from whatever may have set you back, whether it's a baby, an injury, an emotional owe it to yourself to heal at your own yourself first so that you may share that love wholeheartedly with the people you love the most! :)