Monday, September 19, 2011

Week 5 Reflections of new mom challenges & celebrations!

Wow! What a change life has brought to me over the last couple of months...but especially in the last 5 weeks! Ryan turned 5 weeks marks the first day of my last week off from work... :-( As I sit here watching my precious baby sleep I am encouraged to reflect on the challenges and celebrations over the last 5 weeks!

My first challenge was of course the labor...haha But I will spare you all details from that! ;)

My second challenge came shortly thereafter...breastfeeding.  From the beginning I have been pro-breastfeeding as it is the best for the baby for a multitude of reasons that I will assume you know (anti-bodies, stronger immune systems, stronger bones, muscles, higher IQ, better vision, mother/baby bonding...and many others)  I never thought that this would be the biggest challenge of becoming a new mom! The first 2 weeks were filled with frustration and tears from both mom and baby! But with the encouragement of my DH and my family...I continued to stick with it and avoid the desire to quit.  I can now say with a smile on my face...I am a happy breastfeeder! hahaha At least for a few more weeks... We will start to introduce formula late this week as I am going back to work and will not be able to solely provide for my babe...but I will continue to try as hard as possible!  Not to mention the caloric benefits of breastfeeding! You burn approximately 500 cal/day breastfeeding! And thanks to that...I am now only 5lbs away from my pre-baby weight! whoop whoop! (I would consider my inability to workout and my weight obsession another challenge but we will not dwell on that...hopefully I will be cleared on Friday and I will be a work-out queen once again! haha)

The third challenge has been the lack of sleep...Mr. no-sleep man likes to wake up every 2 hours still...I'm hoping that this changes soon..and mommy can get more sleep because she is a grumpy monster on no sleep! ;)  So for now he continues to sleep in a pack-n-play in our bedroom because it is much easier to wake up, change him, feed him and put him back to sleep when he is only a few steps away! We are hoping to put him in his own room soon...or as soon as he starts sleeping longer hours! We are working on not waking him to eat anymore and praying that the 6-week mark is really as wonderful as everyone keeps telling us...every new parent we have talked to has said their baby started sleeping on a schedule and for longer hours when he turned 6 weeks....please GOD let our baby be that way! This momma has to go back to work next week and needs sleep to function! haha

Now for the celebrations....

 First walk with Mommy & Daddy! He even has a number 1 finger up! haha

 First Bath! He loved it! :)

Tummy Time! 
(he has gotten much better at this over the last few weeks, he can even hold his head up for a few seconds now!)

Snuggly, loving, sweet baby boy....
You have brought so much joy to our lives! You are a precious gift from God!