Friday, February 4, 2011

Breaking news.... :)

WHOA....what a whirlwind the last almost 2 months have been....I was forced to take a blogging vacation because all I could think about was the 6 + pregnancy tests...yes I took 6! hahaha but I had to keep my mouth shut for a while to make sure the (now little plum) would be ok! I found out on the morning of Dec. 10th when I randomly took a test and it came back positive...immediately a MILLION thoughts, worries, and holy shits went through my head!!! I can only imagine what went through my hubby's head as he looked at me and said "are you OK?" and I replied with a positive test in my hand and said "maybe we should get more tests..." hahaha     After the initial shock that I now realize most new parents-to-be go through...we couldn't be happier to announce to our family and friends that we are going to be a family of 3!! well 5 if you include our pups! ;)  Hearing her strong, fast little heartbeat was one of the best experiences I have had with my hubby (his face was priceless), and I cannot wait til our first ultrasound!!!

I always said I would run my lil heart out throughout my entire pregnancy and that I wouldn't be like all those other moms who quit running just because of pregnancy....I was WRONG!! ha All I could think about was how guilty I would feel if something happened and we found out it was because I was running...needless to say...I am a big fat worry wort!! My doc told me that I cannot be running or training for any marathons, but running is just fine since my body was already used to it....but...I stopped running until last week when I finally realized that my lil plum would be just fine if I continued running (just at a slower pace over fewer miles)...and if she didn't like it...she would give me a warning sign! I have been going to the gym at least 3x a week for about 45min of cardio (give or take) and feeling great! It gives me a renewed sense of energy that I didn't know existed because I've been soooo fatigued over the last few weeks...but after a workout, I feel like my old self again...strong, healthy, and happy! :)

As for my diet....I thought I ate healthy before a weed sprouted in my uterus....but geez everything I put in my mouth I now question the nutritional value of...I mean everything!! I thought I'd eat my heart out for the first time in my life...but nope...I'm counting my fruit and veggie servings (trying for at least 3 of each/day...and even that is hard), I'm trying to eat less sweets/desserts....but that's a struggle of course, and I'm watching my caffeine consumption like it's evil or something! very little coffee is now being consumed...I miss it...but know it's all for the plum! :) 

With everything that has been going on in our lives over that last few months...I have learned it is possible to love my husband even more :), to count my blessings, and my faith in God has grown! How can you not believe in a higher power when a human being is being formed inside of you!??! I simply amazing! :) :)  I hope everyone has an wonderful day!

ps....I realized I called the baby a girl multiple times...we don't know what it is yet...but maybe that's a sign?! :)