Monday, September 6, 2010


 Way too often...I find myself overly excited about 29c bananas at the grocery only to find half of the bunch brown by the end of the week! I got fed up with throwing them away and found this amazing banana bread recipe on ""....LOVE this site!  This one is a low fat version, and instead of plain yogurt I used fat-free raspberry...YUMMO!

Live.Love. has been crazy busy since the AZ say the least...I started my new clinical...working in a long-term skilled nursing home...I <3 old people! I have learned so much from working with old people everyday. They inspire me to make mistakes while I'm do things and step out of my comfort do things that will make for great stories later in life.  They inspire me to love my DH through thick and thin, to stand by my man NO MATTER WHAT! They have reminded me of the importance of family and friends...and the strong bond that can be formed if you just make the effort.  Over the last month, the hubs and I have really been working hard on strengthening our relationship, a strong marriage means a happy life and a best friend to stand by your side through the good times and bad.  I feel closer to him everyday that makes me want to be a better wife, daughter, friend, sister....When you work hard on the relationships in your life...nothing else matters...not the money...not the stress...not the's family and friends :)