Thursday, May 6, 2010

WOW! What a week....

Ran my very 1st marathon, 3 finals, and finished year 2 of PT school!!!!! I think I accomplished more this first week of May, than I did the ENTIRE month of April! :)

Now for the marathon update:  it hurts like HELL, but feels sooo good! Nobody ever told me it could hurt so bad and be so rewarding at the same time! Then again, if marathoners went around announcing just how much it hurts...probably wouldn't have done one!  I was feeling good nearly the whole run, despite the rain that started at mile 0 and was on and off until it ended at 25! My IT really didn't act up until around mile 15, then of course I tripped in a pot hole at mile 16! HA but wasn't about to let that stop me from finishing!!! It was a truly amazing each mile passed brought on a new set of emotions! Every mile that my amazing/supportive husband and family were was a sense of support, as if they were carrying us to the next mile we would see them! Every time someone in the crowd would cheer my heart would fill with strength to keep wasn't until the last 4-5 miles when I truly hit that "wall"... it was close...but not too close! ha I cannot begin to explain how much strength I found once I saw the city on the horizon....but it wasn't until that last .1 mile when my heart began to over flow with much that I started to cry for joy of this accomplishment...but had to make myself stop so I wouldn't hyperventilate! ha  All in all it was an AMAZING, REWARDING, and STRENGTHENING experience that I will never EVER forget!!

Thank you to my amazing husband who supported me through every step of the way, I love you so much!!

Gianna~ Thank you for being the best running partner and for convincing me to do this with was a truly empowering accomplishment!! :) Nice JOB! :)

Family~ your support on the day of (before & during the race, and the yummy lunch after), words of encouragement, and prayers for a great run were truly appreciated! THANK YOU!!

Friends~ Thank you for the luck and words of encouragement! :) 

Today I woke up and was actually able to walk down the stairs like a normal human being!! YEAH!!! Only those who have felt the pain of a long run will truly understand what an accomplishment simply walking down the stairs can feel like! haha I was very sore the last 4 days, but am feeling great today AND was actually able to sleep through the night last night without being wakened by pain!'s time for my much needed massage!! :)  Happy Thursday! :)